
Plunify 浦利丰是一支年轻的又充满活力的团队,也是一家力争成为云计算,芯片设计与机器学习领域领导者的公司。在 Plunify 浦利丰,我们不断地寻求人才。 我们为具备天赋,并富有创新能力的人才提供施展才华的机会。他们需要敢于接受挑战,有追求卓越的激情。如果你有兴趣加入我们在新加坡或美国加州的专业而热情的团队,请与我们联系。

Qt/C++ Developer (Singapore)


We are looking for a full-time Qt developer in Singapore.

Job Requirements

  • Highly skillful in Qt C/C++ object oriented analysis and design, including Qt GUI design while working and maintaining a big code base.
  • Experience in using different compilers (MSVC, gcc) and cross-platform development (Windows, Linux).
  • Knowledge of multi-threaded design practices, SQL databases
  • Good command of English

Good to have

Knowledge of Jenkins, NSIS, GIT and networking knowledge will be beneficial.


Experience of FPGA toolchains from major vendors (Altera Quartus, Xilinx Vivado), preferably with a good knowledge of running the implementation using Tcl tool flows.

FPGA CAD Engineer (Singapore/Malaysia)


Our new team member has excellent FPGA and CAD scripting skills and is someone who cannot sleep at night if a design has timing / fitting problems.


His/her time will be spent like this:

  • (40%) Hands-on FPGA timing closure and optimization (Area/Power as well). This involves learning about our unique Machine Learning approach as well.
  • (60%) Automating CAD flows to implement features in our software.

Job Requirements

  • Proficient in scripting languages like Tcl/Perl, and as a user of command-line APIs
  • Experience in automating FPGA workflows, for example, knowing why, when and how to go from synthesis to place-and-route and then timing analysis.
  • Working knowledge of Xilinx (ISE, Vivado) and/or Altera (Quartus) FPGA design tools and flows
  • Familiarity with software engineering best practices


  • BS / MS in Computer/Electrical/Electronics Engineering or related field
  • At least 3-5 years of FPGA design experience



请发送邮件至 :
recruit @ plunify.com